Death note? XDDDDDDDD
Death note? XDDDDDDDD
Pound sign
you still have no daily award, so i think you didn't give him one, hm? xD
Or did he cheat on you? O_O
xD keep up the work, i like your jokes ^_^
I think he tricked me T_T
Whoooohoooo... but Warning!
I swear... i SWEAR. If you don't make a series out of this Flash, i'm gonna take the next Ship to America or the next plane to wherever you live and i SWEAR i'm gonna KILL YOU =D
Awesome ;-) (Pleeeeeeease Continue. I loved it)
You're waaaaaay off, buddy. :D
Anyway, I'm going to be starting another series before I continue this one. We'll see which one is more popular before I start getting serious.
It reminds me of something
Yes ^^ some pictures remided me of Vinnie Veritas's Drawings... say, do you draw with your mouse? =D
yup with a mouse ^_^
You were high on pot when you made this, weren't you?
w t f ?
Oh my god, i think you can only understand this if you had some tequilas already...
And sorry that I have to say it in german but:
HÜÄRKS ich glaub ich kotz wenn ichs mir nochmal anguck.
Acrually, all you would need is to have watched the entire series of Internal Fires from the start in order to fully understand where I am going with this.....
Of course, taquila would help. Maybe some Vodka too.
Uhhhhh.I guess I should be saying sorry I had to write the response in English......?¿
Sorry for eventually occuing fail in the english language
Age 38, Male
Joined on 9/27/04